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Listen: “Sofie” by Cayo Coco

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“Sofie” by Cayo Coco

LA-based indie singer/songwriter/Multi-instrumentalist Lumen Loraine aka Cayo Coco comes to Wolf in a Suit with the sonic creation that is “Sofie”. With this stunning and soothing blend of melodies and lyrics, the uber-talented artist gives us a chance to be explore a surreal world. The track caresses our senses with a warmth and honesty that is quite refreshing to find nowadays making the track so real and so special from start to end. The soundscape unfolds with ease and within the first second manages to grab a hold of you as it makes you as invested as he is with what transpires within it.

There’s no denying that this song has everything to offer us an escape from reality and a chance to dive into a world so magnetic yet so unknown. So listen closely and fall in love with the sweet taste of musical ambrosia found within this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Cayo Coco