Indie Pop

Listen: “Progress” by TOVI

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“Progress” by TOVI

From Canada comes the uber-talented Rebecca Emms aka TOVI with the haunting sonic creation that is “Progress”. With this stunning showcase of feelings and emotion, she opens up her heart and soul as she aims to understand the ups and downs that are part of life. With a unique understanding of the fragile nature of the human condition, she embraces the reality that we all move at our own pace and sometimes we just need to pause, breath and look around to find that we are moving forward. The melodies and lyrics connect with each other quite beautiful and this allows the soundscape to pull us in and remind us to be hopeful as we keep on pushing forward.

There’s something quite special about this soundscape that just hits you and offers us all a fine serving of an invigorating unknown. So listen closely and fall prey to the exquisite magic of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

“I wrote “Progress” shortly after a difficult few months of a toxic job and living situation. One day I went for a walk and realized for the first time in weeks I didn’t feel completely low. Kind of like when you have a really bad headache and then suddenly you realize the headache is over and maybe you’ll be fine. The song came to me really quickly. I thought maybe it was too simplistic or childish sounding, but when I sat down to demo it – I realized I’d already said absolutely everything I need to say at that time.”


Location: Canada

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of TOVI