Indie Pop

Listen: “To Know I Hurt You” by Drew Schueler

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“To Know I Hurt You” by Drew Schueler

The uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Drew Schueler comes to Wolf in a Suit with the bittersweet tale of “To know I hurt you”. With this refreshingly captivating and utterly powerful yet subtle blend of melodies and lyrics, he explores the harsh truth of hurting someone you care for. The track offers us quite a beautiful sight that remains sad yet honest from start to end. There’s something about this soundscape that pulls you in and invites you to look within since more than likely a reflection awaits inside.

This track is truly a welcomed dose of honesty, regret and understanding that without a shadow of a doubt you were wrong. So listen closely and fall prey to this unique dose of magic that makes this track a must for any music lover. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Drew Schueler