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Music Video: “People” by Philine Sonny

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“People” by Philine Sonny

From Germany comes the uber-talented Philine Sonny with the hypnotizing sonic creation that is “People”. With this refreshingly honest and raw blend of melodies and lyrics, she tells a story that is quite true and palpable. There’s something about the way in which the visuals and sounds collaborate with each other that makes this soundscape so powerful and magnetic from start to end. Plus, her voice understands what’s needed to showcase the full range of feelings and emotions that allow this tale to unfold and connect with each and every listener.

The soundscape caresses your senses and speaks to you with such naturality and gentle warmth that you feel it yours. So listen, see and embrace the magic and truth of this contemporary must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

Location: Germany

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Philine Sonny