Indie Pop

Listen: “Need A Moment” by SEKI

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“Need A Moment” by SEKI

From Thailand comes the uber-talented up and coming indie singer/songwriter SEKI with the hypnotizing sonic creation that is “Need a moment”. With this refreshingly captivating and soothing blend of melodies and lyrics, he transports us to a world that can only be found though his voice. The track flows with ease and caresses our senses with a gentle and warm touch that makes the experience so intoxicating and pure. There’s something about this track that simply understands how to connect and allows each listener to be a part of the adventure that dwells within it.

The track invites us to dive into the unknown with open arms and ready to find a place to call home within this fantastic soundscape. So listen closely and find peace and sweet escapism residing within this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: Thailand

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of SEKI