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Listen: “Cry Over Me” by Rhys

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“Cry Over Me” by Rhys

From Sweden comes the fantastic indie singer/songwriter Rhys with the honest sonic creation that is “Cry Over Me”. With this refreshing soundscape, she embraces the reality behind trying to be the bigger person when it comes to matters of the heart … we are all petty and want the other side to feel something, sadness, remorse, longing, just a little something. She embraces the truth that dwells inside our hearts, allowing the melodies and lyrics to perfectly become one and tall a story that feels as much ours as it is hers. There’s something about this track that feels so raw and so human, that there’s no denying that it will surely strike a chord or two. So listen closely and let Rhys say what we are all thinking as she transports through the magic of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: Sweden

To listen on Spotify click HERE

“I’d love to be the bigger person all the time, but I’m not. I’m quite petty. This is my guilty pleasure petty break up song. Basically, I really hope you realize that I was the best and dive in to some deep life crisis over the loss of me and that you will cry over me”


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