Indie Pop Indie Folk

Listen: “Run Boy Run” by LIAS

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“Run Boy Run” by LIAS

German indie singer/songwriter LIAS comes to Wolf in a Suit with the bittersweet tale that is “Run Boy Run”. With this refreshingly haunting and raw blend of melodies and lyrics, he opens up his heart and soul and invites us in. The track takes shape and form in a way that is so soothing and honest as it blends pop and folk into something unique and so special. The track embraces the most fragile part of our existence and offers us a chance to be free and simply connect with what transpires inside these verses.

Something about this soundscape is just so magical, so pure and easy to relate and feel to the touch of your fingertips that you can’t help but be in complete awe. So listen closely and dive into this reality with a sense of connection and truth that is at times rare to find but is part of this amazing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: Germany

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of LIAS