Indie Pop Videos Video

Music Video: “Guided” by Areej

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“Guided” by Areej

From the UK comes the uber-talented Areej with the personal and hypnotizing sonic and visual creation that is “Guided”. With this exquisite and instantly captivating blend of melodies and lyrics, she opens up heart and soul and invites us in. The verses flow with such naturality and such fierce fire that one can’t help but feel it caress your very soul as it comes alive and speaks to us all. The soundscape is absolutely stunning and her voice showcases a control that is simply intoxicating and raw from start to end.

So listen, see and fall into her world for she has so much to say and this is only her debut single. Enjoy the musical magic of this contemporary must-listen/must-see gem!

Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Spotify click HERE

“Despite being in a place of doom and gloom, which is depicted through the opening verse, the message and meaning behind my lyrics convey my gratitude for the simple and meaningful things in life.”


More of Areej