Indie Pop Videos Video

Music Video: “What’s A Woman To You?” by GRANT

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“What’s A Woman To You?” by GRANT

Uber-talented indie goddess GRANT comes to Wolf in a Suit with the reflective and honest sonic creation that is “What’s A Woman To You?”. With this contemporary showcase of feelings, emotions, questions and doubts she gives life to a truly fascinating tale that is so real and so human. She let’s go off all the rules that at times hold her down and offers us a chance to see what lies inside her heart and soul. The track is absolutely stunning and carries inside a lesson that is welcomed and well-received as it paints a picture that’s relatable and true.

The track is powerful and something about it actually makes me wonder as I think about all those wonderful women in my life, if there’s something I have done or said to make them want to keep it all hidden as they cry and scream inside. I fancy myself a modern-open man but this fantastic soundscape has reminded me that there’s still much more to learn and there’s much to do to make sure all our voices are heard.

So listen closely and pay attention because this should not be a lesson heard only once but something learned that stays with you forever. Think about those you care and love and ask yourself if maybe there’s pressure added on them and you to be someone and do something. Fall with open arms into this realm that lies inside this track making it a must-listen/must-see gem for all music lovers. Enjoy!

Location: Sweden

To listen on Spotify click HERE

“A series of observations and a simple question, this song is the result of so many beautiful and insightful discussions with the women in my life. For the first time I feel a sense of belonging. The kinship that comes from shared experiences. I’m still learning to accept and handle the dynamics of my person and my relationship, and I’m doing it with their help.

Expectations are a distressing presence that can make it hard to accept ourselves as only human and I think the most exhausting and consuming part you’ll ever play is the idea of yourself. By asking such a simple question as What’s A Woman To You?, maybe we’ll reflect on the pressure we consciously or unconsciously put on ourselves and others.”


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