Indie Pop Videos Video

Music Video: “Continue” by miida

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“Continue” by miida

Uber-talented Japanese singer/songwriter/guitarist Mizuki Masuda AKA miida comes to Wolf in a Suit with the haunting and soothing charm of “Continue”. With this refreshing and exquisite blend of melodies and lyrics she breaks down the walls of language and invites to explore a one-of-a-kind sonic and visual realm. The soundscape unfolds nicely into the airwaves giving our senses a chance to connect with something special that blends fantasy and reality into one. The track speaks to the listeners and offers us a chance to connect with a fine showcase of feelings and emotions that connect with our fragile human hearts instantly.

There’s no denying that she has crafted something so pure and so wonderfully haunting that is bound to instantly earn the title of must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

Location: Japan

To listen on Spotify click HERE

“We can’t foresee the future, but we need to continue moving forward. How you perceive the status quo is up to you. I wrote this song from a place of wanting to comfort myself and instill hope — that no matter how hard I’m struggling, if I persevere and overcome obstacles, I will always have opportunities to start over. I hope that when people listen to “Continue,” they will feel inspired and motivated to keep trying.” 


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