Indie Pop Videos Video

Music Video: “Miranos” by Georgel x Monogem

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“Miranos” by Georgel x Monogem

“Miranos” comes to Wolf in a Suit as a visual and sonic breath of fresh air that unites the voices and talents of Georgel and Monogem. The track flows with ease through the airwaves caressing our senses and feeding our imagination with a picture that is sure to melt our hearts. The melodies and lyrics become one in an instant and the soundscape shares with us a tale that is so beautiful and romantic. These two amazing talents manage to complement each other perfectly and together they truly showcase a wide array of feelings and emotions that evoke a sense of love unlike anything else out there in the world. So dive with me and let us explore the sweet release offered by this must-listen/must-see gem as we escape from reality and become one with their soundscape. Enjoy!

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