[headline type=”type1″ color=”#000000″ size=”h2″]”The Last Time” by Through Juniper Vale[/headline]
[su_quote cite=”part of the lyrics”]This is the front porch where I met you
Before our time started running out.
What tomorrow will bring
I just don’t know[/su_quote]
[su_note note_color=”#ffffff”]What happens when you combine the imaginative illustrations of concept artist Hein Zaayman with the musical creations of Sarah Jane Wood? You get Through Juniper Vale, a melodic and artistic joining of two types of art creating both a unique and surreal soundscape and an imaginative and beautiful landscape. It’s amazing to truly be able to match the music, the feeling, the story with a piece of art that goes hand in hand with it. Sarah’s voice is so gorgeously able to guide us through each image created by Hein and we feel as listeners a companion of this traveler who we can see in the artwork of the single. Enjoy “The last time” and embark on an adventure only possible through this song. [/su_note]
[su_quote cite=”from The Traveler’s Tales Through Juniper Vale”]What does it mean to be home? Sarah Jane sat on the edge of a cliff asking herself this question as she listened to the wind carry whispers of new places through Juniper Vale. She knew the answer lay beyond the boundaries of her village, so for the last time she said farewell and hopped atop the shell of Senalala, her turtle companion, her place of rest. Together they venture through a world overgrown, searching for a sense of home.[/su_quote]
[headline type=”type3″ color=”#000000″ size=”h2″]More of Through Juniper Vale[/headline]
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