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Young Strangers

UK-based indie band SEA GIRLS comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and this time around they give life to the sonic tale of "Young Strangers". With this refreshingly honest and introspective yet universal showcase of feelings and emotions they show us all that we are not alone. We are all strangers at first but once we talk, we are sure to always find a point that connects us with each other in a way that is sure to blow our minds.

There's something about "Young Strangers" that just hits the spot from the moment we press play, pulling us into a world that at first seems blurry yet as the song progresses we see more and more of us in it, making the picture so much clearer. It's a soundscape that embraces our senses with such fire, such raw honest and such fantastic storytelling that we can't help but need and want more and more of it. So listen closely and fall prey to the mesmerizing touch of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"Young Strangers’ is about seeing the similarities between two people who have just met. They get talking about their lives, about how they want to prove themselves and find purpose with a desperate need to get out of life’s daily rut. Never met before they realise they’re navigating the same feelings in the world and so are not young strangers anymore."

Henry Camamile of SEA GIRLS


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