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Yesterday’s mistake

With a refreshing and honest blend of melodies and lyrics, comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Phoebe Willo with "Yesterday's Mistake". With this down-to-earth showcase of feelings and emotions, she explores what it means to be in one's own head and how at times we let our past mistakes get the better of us. Her voice is absolute perfection and manages to subtly caress our senses and pull us into a world that is so hers yet also ours.

There's no denying that "Yesterday's Mistake" is special, for it speaks to our hearts and souls and inspires us from start to end. This marvelous track is beautiful and offers us all a much needed dose of escapism and motivation. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magic of this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Phoebe Willo