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Editor's Notes Passionate, raw and refreshingly intoxicating blend of melodies and lyrics.

UK-based indie band Artio comes back to Wolf in a Suit with their latest single, say hello to the electrifying sonic creation that is "Worthless". With this refreshing showcase of feelings and emotions, they give life to a pop-rock soundscape bound to get us all hooked. The track is enticing and passionately executed, allowing it to feel quite hypnotizing from the moment you press play.

There's a raw honesty about the verses that are perfectly housed by the instrumental arrangement as the voice paints the picture that will stare in awe. "Worthless" is an absolutely mesmerizing escape from reality that naturally embraces us and gives us free reign to scream, sing and whatever we want. So listen closely and fall prey to this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"Worthless is about when you spend enough time with toxic people who drain your energy and end up taking on their worst qualities, just to result in them not liking the person you become.”


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