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Editor's Notes A refreshingly intoxicating and inviting blend of melodies and lyrics.

From South Korea comes the fantastic indie artist Chillmonday with his latest musical creation, say hello to the world of "Wish". With this hypnotizing blend of melodies and lyrics he invites us to explore a tale so personal, so his and yet so universal and intoxicating from start to end. The soundscape unfolds with a natural charm, caressing our senses and giving us something quite exciting and inviting to be a part of.

There's something about "Wish" that just hits the spot as the artist mixes a wide array of musical genres that make this an adventure for our senses and imagination. So listen closely, dance to this enticing sound and fall prey to the magical caress of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"Through this song, I want listeners to think about something they can never forget, or someone who they desired so much that everything about them is carved into their heart. During the vocal recording, I took extra care to deliver such feelings."

Chillmonday about "Wish"

More of Chillmonday