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we got time

Editor's Notes A refreshing and inspiring take on relationships ending.

US-based up-and-coming indie singer/songwriter Adam Fadi comes to Wolf in a Suit with his debut single, say hello to "we got time". With this refreshingly honest and inviting blend of melodies and lyrics he explores a relationship bound to end but does so with a different approach than what we are used to. He does not dive into sadness and pain, but instead embraces the moment and does his best to share the most amazing time together, however long it may be.

There's something about "we got time" that is not only catchy but quite inspiring and wonderful to find in a tale that most would turn bittersweet. The soundscape invites us in from the moment we press play, letting us feel a connection that is quite welcomed to find. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet charm of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"'we got time' is a song I wrote about a relationship destined to end. People often view the end of a love story as a tragic event, but there's a beauty in the impermanence of a connection. This song is about enjoying the time you have left and not letting the future tarnish the present."

Adam Fadi

More of Adam Fadi