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Walking Away (ft. Naile)

It’s always a pleasure to get a dose of a Kadebostany collaboration, this time with the amazing Naile, they give life to “Walking Away”. With this beautifully intoxicating and surreal blend of melodies and lyrics we are given a ticket to a destination unknown, and it feels like the prize of a lifetime. It’s a track that embraces your senses with such lush and cinematic magic, making it impossible to not feel it yours as it all comes together so naturally and so perfectly.

There’s something so special about “Walking Away” that you can’t help but need and want more and more of it. It’s a soundscape that knows how to get you hooked and how to make you feel as if it was always meant to be, this connection, this experience, it was always yours. So, appreciate this magic and embrace the unknown of this intoxicating must-listen gem. Enjoy!

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