too many lights - The Tyne - united kingdom - uk - indie - indie music - indie rock - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog


Editor's Notes A uniquely relatable and personal blend of melodies and lyrics.

UK-based indie band The Tyne comes to Wolf in a Suit for the first time with their latest release, say hello to the sonic creation that is "TOO MANY LIGHTS". With this fantastic and honest blend of melodies and lyrics, they open up their hearts and souls to share something quite human and inviting. The track embraces us with arms that understand that life is made of ups and downs that at times pack a heavier punch than we would like.

This soundscape explores the fragile nature of the human condition in a way that is easy to connect with, showcasing feelings and emotions that could easily be ours as well. There's something about "TOO MANY LIGHTS" that is sure to find a home in quite a few of us, as it did in me, and through this it creates a sort camaraderie among all of us. So listen closely and fall prey to the bittersweet caress of this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of The Tyne