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Too Close

Editor's Notes A refreshingly catchy and inviting blend of melodies and lyrics.

Uber-talented Stockholm/Dublin based indie singer/songwriter SNKT comes to Wolf in a Suit with the captivating sonic creation that is "Too Close". With this playful yet honest mix of melodies and lyrics he explores a rocky relationship with a different eye, one that is actually quite refreshing to find. He embraces the hard truth, things are not going to last, but why be angry or sad about it when then the time together can simply be enjoyed.

"Too Close" understands that a relationship is not headed in the right direction but if things are going to end, lets let it happen when time decides and not hurry things up. It's uniquely honest and different from what we are used to hearing in a way that is true and quite charming. So listen closely and fall prey to the adventure that dwells within this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“This song was a revelation in many ways, because I went into wanting to write a moody song about a relationship that was affecting me in the worst way possible. But being able to listen to myself in that moment made me confident to just go full-throttle with my gut feeling, which was to write with the realisation that 'this situation isn't working, but we're still gonna have a lot of fun getting it wrong."

SNKT about "Too Close"

More of SNKT