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The Old Boys

Editor's Notes Bittersweet, honest and wonderfully cinematic soundscape.

UK-based indie band Bonfire Tide comes to us with the bittersweet musical creation that is "The Old Boys". With this stunning blend of feelings and emotions, they give life to a tale so real, so raw and so unfortunately relatable to more than a few. The verses explore the harsh truth of a relationship that has suffered from infidelity and how anger, sadness and loss seem to mix in quite well when this happens.

The soundscape does not aim to romanticize this moment, but instead understands that sadly there's more than likely no coming back once this happens. Many claim the body and the heart are two separate things and while we are all entitled to our opinions, the lines must be clear for both sides, not just one.

"The Old Boys" embraces this experience in a way that allows the song to be not only amazing for us to hear but a full-on cinematic experience for all our senses. So listen closely and embrace the pain and regret of this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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