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The Chase (ft. Jade Castrinos)

Editor's Notes A union of vocals and sounds that give life to something real and hypnotizing.

From the UK comes the exciting musical project that is Mark Stoney & The Denizen Hum, featuring Jade Castrinos, and together they give life to "The Chase". With this exquisite blend of melodies and lyrics, they let us into a world so theirs, so real and so wonderfully human. The track does not come to us with fantasies and lies, but instead speaks truths that are sure to immediately speak to your heart and soul. Their vocals flow so naturally and so perfectly together, making sure the soundscape does not let us go from start to end.

"The Chase" is a thrilling and mesmerizing musical experience that deserves not only to be heard but to be fully explored as each word has meaning and are part of a very real tale. So listen closely and fall prey to the cinematic experience that is found within this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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