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The Basement

Editor's Notes A refreshingly captivating and intoxicating blend of melodies and lyrics that explores the topic of feeling isolated and how to get out of it.

UK-based indie band Blondes comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and this time around they give us the pleasure of listening to "The Basement". With this exquisite and subtly cinematic musical adventure, they invite us to explore it and find a bit of ourselves waiting inside. The track flows with ease, caressing our senses and giving us a chance to sing and let go of some feelings and emotions that are at times hard to let go.

There's no escaping the hypnotizing nature of this soundscape, for it speaks to our hearts and souls in a way so down-to-earth and human. "The Basement" is a grandiose showcase of pop and rock that knows how to captivate us from start to end, giving way for one hell of an experience. So listen closely and fall prey to the palpable magic of this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"This is a song that started as a demo during the first lockdown, and it was written pretty much completely remotely by emailing it to each other and adding parts! Fittingly, it's a song about feeling isolated and looking for a way out, which I imagine was a very well known feeling for everyone at that time. I love the energy of this track and the way it dials up in the choruses. We returned to work with Rich Turvey on this one, who produced the majority of our first EP. He helped take the demo we’d made and step it up into the thumping single-ready track it’s become." 

Blondes about "The Basement"

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