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UK-based indie duo Arliston comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and they arrive with the haunting realm that dwells within "Thawed". With this refreshingly exquisite and surreal blend of melodies and lyrics they give life to a tale so amazing and so magnetic. It's a track that flows with natural ease, pulling us in and allowing us to explore a world unknown and so wonderfully mesmerizing. It's a step away from the norm that is quite exciting and freeing, reminding us of the fragile truth of our human condition.

There's something about "Thawed" that is sure to click for more than a few listeners, for it speaks directly to our hearts and souls with words that will find meaning within us. It's a soundscape that break the mold and embraces our senses with such welcomed magic. So listen closely and fall prey to that bittersweet touch that awaits us all within the confines of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“While it seems abstract, It’s really a simple story about a character who is trapped in a cyclical loop of behaviour. The verses give a sense of creeping claustrophobia, and outline the problem: The character becomes addicted to the negativity coming out of media (“strobe light news”) which leads to this fractious state where everything seems non-real and illusory, just ‘coffee and fumes’. In the chorus they attempt to solve it, by retreating away from other people, and into the sanctuary of ‘my room’, and even by just accruing wealth and money ‘my fingers in the till’, but none of it works, and the cycle begins again. A classic merry Arliston tune!"

Jack of Arliston about "Thawed"

“It’’s definitely a different sound to “How in Heaven”, but I think it’s a good thing to be pushing against the parameters of “our sound” and adding a new flavour to the Arliston pot. To me this sounds like some sort of Americana colliding with down tempo British indie, it’s fun!”

George of Arliston about "Thawed"

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