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Take off your Clothes

The always fantastic Icelandic duo Pale Moon come to us once more and give us a dose of something special, courtesy of “Take off your Clothes”. With this refreshingly chill and inviting mix of melodies and lyrics, we are given a chance to explore a reality so soothing and so haunting. It’s a track that knows how to make sure that verses and melodies come together and provide us with a chance to be part of a one-of-a-kind cinematic experience.

With “Take off your Clothes” I get a chance to realize something about me, typically I am not fond of songs that go beyond the 4-minute mark, but this one broke that rule and kept me hooked. I think it has something about it that allows us to realize that we are getting a taste of some amazing musical ambrosia. So listen closely, close your eyes and let the music and your imagination guide you through the world that dwells within this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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