take me with you to outer space - an echoic - sweden - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog

take me with you to outer space

From Sweden comes the majestic and haunting musical creation that is "take me with you to outer space" by An Echoic. With this track you get something quite ethereal and intoxicating that manages to caress your senses and gently pull you in to explore it. His voice is warm, honest and at times feels a bit sad but in a truly unique and personal way. According to the artist there's two routes that one can take when listening to this track, a happy one and a sad one, it's just a matter of perspective.

This unique duality makes "take me with you to outer space" a refreshing experience for all music lovers as it knows how and when to play with your imagination. There's no escaping the mystery and the beauty of this soundscape, so you might as well simply fall prey to it. So listen closely and dive into the world of the must-listen gem that is "take me you to outer space". Enjoy!

“What inspired the song is mainly my girlfriend and her persona. I have always sort of seen her as a cute alien that came into my life out of nowhere.

I also think there’s another gloomier twist to the song, (. . .) That side of the song relates more to the feeling of wanting to get away and wanting to disappear into the void. The theme of outer space just came sort of naturally. I think it is a fitting metaphor for something unknown and unlike everything that is intuitive”

An Echoic

Location: Sweden

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