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Sweet Summer Feels

From Sweden comes the absolutely amazing Flora Summers and she graces our lands with her latest release, say hello to "Sweet Summer Feels". With this soothing and playful blend of melodies and lyrics she gives life to the perfect soundtrack for the summer that has begun. It's a song that is quite catchy and captivating, pulling you in from the moment you press play, letting you sing, dance and embrace the warmth that is now part of each day.

There's something about "Sweet Summer Feels" that just hits the spot, putting a smile in our faces and letting us feel in complete sync with this soundscape. It's a special experience that allows us to relax and find a bit of much needed escapism, telling us it's ok to let go of the rules at least for a while. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magic of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Flora Summers