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LA-based indie band FloraNova comes to us once more and this time they give life to the romantic and cheerful tale of "Sunny". With this exquisite and soothing blend of melodies and lyrics we are given a chance to dance softly, sing gently and smile from start to end without a care in the world. It's a track that just knows how to hit the spot from the moment you press play, giving us inspiration through these sweet verses. There's no denying it, this soundscape is bound to become a fan favorite and perfect world to share with someone special.

"Sunny" knows how to let us escape from the firm grasp of reality and dive into an unknown and pleasant world made just for you and that special someone. So listen closely, let go of all you know and just enjoy the adventure that awaits us all within this stunning must-listen gem.

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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