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Sucker Punch

Editor's Notes A refreshingly honest and captivating blend of melodies and lyrics.

US-based indie artist Valories comes to Wolf in a Suit with the hypnotizing sonic creation that is "Sucker Punch". With this exquisite blend of melodies and lyrics we get a taste of some top shelf indie pop that knows how to get you hooked and connected as the story unfolds and you realize it could be yours. The verses flow with ease, caressing your senses as it explores what it means to be brought to your knees by something unexpected coming right at you from your blind spot.

"Sucker Punch" presents itself in a way that allows us to see it part of not just one tale but many for it does limits itself by romance and simply becomes one with life and its many choices. So listen closely and fall prey to this uniquely exquisite and mesmerizing touch that makes it an instant must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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