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someone new

The always amazing and extremely talented néomí comes to us once more and shares a beautifully honest and inviting tale with "someone new". With this track she opens up her heart and soul and allows us the honor of taking a peek inside and finding that being vulnerable is quite infectious and refreshing. We are invited to not only learn about her, but see ourselves for who we truly are and embrace the fragile beauty of our own human condition in such captivating fashion. It's a welcomed rollercoaster of feelings and emotions that speaks softly to that inner being that resides within us all.

There's something about "someone new" that gives us a chance to breath something new and find acceptance within it's verses, as she expresses the realization that we can all take steps forward while appreciating and understanding the past. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet gentle caress of this hypnotizing and uniquely crafted must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

‘someone new’ is basically a love letter to my therapist. How, at first, I hated the fact I was put in a category which I thought I didn’t belong to. Since those first encounters things have changed. I am grateful I’ve learned so much about myself and life in general. Most importantly I’ve learned how to deal with other people and, in the process of everything, become ‘someone new’ who is taking responsibility for their own actions and owning them.

It was a relief to understand it’s never only ‘you’ in the story as a story is, almost always, double sided. I’m sure we all experience something like this in our time on this odd planet. It’s a song about not wanting to open up because to work on yourself requires going through pain which is the hardest thing in life. But I understand now working on improving yourself, no matter how painful it can be to remember the past, is the most important job there is.

néomí about "someone new"

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