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Editor's Notes A welcomed dose of the fragile nature of the human condition.

From the UK comes the fantastic indie singer/songwriter siobhan winifred with the refreshingly personal and relatable sonic creation that is "Sober". With this welcomed blend of melodies and lyrics, she walks away from the fantasies that at times seem to rule the music realm, to give us something more human and palpable. She understands that from time to time we need to connect with a story that embraces the fragile truth of our human condition in a way so bittersweet yet so poetic.

"Sober" is an absolutely fantastic showcase of feelings and emotions that caress our senses and speaks to our hearts and souls. So listen closely and find a bit of yourself or others within the confines of this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“I wrote Sober about the conflicting emotions you experience when your relationship with someone is based on no attachment and no expectations. It's about the constant push and pull, where every word and action can have a double meaning. Lyrically the song is about how, when you’re feeling lost, you attach your worth to their interest in you and do whatever you cannot to lose it.

Sometimes despite all the warning signs that are there, it's hard to resist the sense of self-protection and direction that comes from placing your sense of self in someone else’s interest in you: you know you need to let go but just don’t have the strength to. Ultimately, I like to think Sober is a very relatable song that captures the emotional conflict we experience when we find ourselves in a relationship with a inevitable expiration date.” 

siobhan winifred

More of siobhan winifred