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Rough Patch

Editor's Notes A refreshingly soothing and honest blend of melodies and lyrics.

US-based indie singer/songwriter Lance Tingey comes to Wolf in a Suit with the honest and introspective sonic creation that is "Rough Patch". Inspired by his own doubts and questions regarding his religion, he opens up his heart and soul to paint a picture that is sure to connect with more than a few listeners. The song understands that we all go through ups and downs and these questions may arise, but the answers are solely ours and there's never a true right or a true wrong.

There's something about "Rough Patch" that just understands us and knows that we all have moments in which things are hard and they make us wonder the meaning of it all. With this soundscape he allows us to feel safe as he shares through his verses a bit of his own struggles, bringing down our walls and letting us know it's ok. So listen closely and find a bit of peace and inspiration within the confines of this captivating must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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