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Reap and Sow

US-based indie singer/songwriter Morning Bear comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and he does so with the sonic creation that is "Reap and Sow". With this wonderfully honest and down-to-earth mix of melodies and lyrics, he gives life to a tale so human, so real and so wonderfully relatable. The song explores what once was and what now is and how we can let mistakes done by ourselves and others hold us back. It aims to speak to our hearts and souls with words that allow us to see that we need to accept this mistakes and aim to move forward with the lesson they gave.

"Reap and Sow" is a wonderfully refreshing and vulnerable showcase of feelings and emotions that embrace us whole and make us feel heard and understood. It's truly amazing how this soundscape manages to feel as much ours as it is his from start to end. So listen closely and open up to not only enjoy the sound but truly listen to what these verses have to say.

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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