raincoat - Adam Ambrose - canada - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog


Editor's Notes A wonderfully inspiring and honest blend of melodies and lyrics.

Canadian indie singer/songwriter Adam Ambrose comes to Wolf in a Suit with the inspiring sonic creation that is "Raincoat". With this refreshingly warm and inviting blend of melodies and lyrics, he paints a picture so beautiful and so pure and understanding. With these verses he aims to assist a friend, someone quite special to him, when it comes to their traumas and anxiety, being there to help as the rain falls down.

"Raincoat" is a breath of fresh air that reminds us that we are not the same and what goes inside our hearts and minds differs and sometimes the best thing to do is to just be there for each other. So listen closely and learn from what these verses are trying to tell us so that hopefully you can be find the strength to share when those you care for are feeling down. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Adam Ambrose