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Party People

UK-based indie band WUKASA comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and they give us the pleasure of exploring the sonic realm of "Party people". With this exquisite and instantly inviting blend of melodies and lyrics, they invite us to take charge and draw from a page of this character they have created. The track speaks of someone who takes charge and no matter how things go, this person just goes at it head on, ready to let the world know that they mean business.

There's something about "Party People" that just clicks, inspiring us to find that fire and that power that dwells within us from the moment we press play. The soundscape not only pulls us is but knows how to make us smile, sing and dance as it all comes alive, becoming a part of who we are. So listen closely and fall prey to the magic of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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