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Not My Fault

US-based indie duo MISSIO comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and delivers the absolutely amazing sonic creation that is "Not My Fault". With this refreshingly honest and down-to-earth mix of feelings and emotions, they allow us to break free from the chains that life throws our way. It's a welcomed reminder that nobody is perfect, and mistakes are bound to happen, but we can't let them define us, for we are so much more than the pain, the sadness and those experiences that we wish we could erase.

"Not My Fault" is a beautiful and electrifying blend of melodies and lyrics that accepts all that once was and holds it in a way that turns them into fuel to push forward. This is a soundscape made to be heard over and over again for it's not only catchy but wonderfully cathartic and freeing. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magic of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

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More of MISSIO

"Not My Fault" Lyric Visualizer

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