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Not A Problem

Editor's Notes Lyrically, vocally and instrumentally fascinating and mesmerizing from start to end.

US-based indie singer/songwriter Estella Dawn comes to Wolf in a Suit once more to give life to the sonic creation that is "Not A Problem". With this stunning blend of heartfelt and honest lyricism with lush and inviting melodies, she grabs a hold of us and gives us a chance to be part of a tale so human and raw. She opens up her heart and soul and allows each listener to get to know not only the artist but her human side that walks side by side to it.

There's something quite freeing about this soundscape, for as she opens herself up, we are invited to do the same as everything connects and pulls us in. "Not A Problem" is an absolutely amazing track that offers us all a chance embrace the fragile truth of our existence. So listen closely and fall prey to this raw honesty and unknown magic that makes it a must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Estella Dawn