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New Mexico

Editor's Notes Honest, raw and down-to-earth tale that explores the aftermath of a bad relationship.

From Australia comes the fantastic indie brother-sister duo MEKL with their latest musical creation, say hello to "New Mexico". With this exquisite blend of melodies and lyrics they give life to something unknown, something refreshing and something quite special and pure. The track caresses our senses with a touch so subtle yet so electric that you can't help but crave that more and more as the song takes shape and form. They explore the aftermath of a bad relationship and how this experience leaves us with questions, doubts and a sense of loss that is hard to push away.

"New Mexico" is a freeing showcase of feelings and emotions that make us feel understood and connected for it is raw, honest and down-to-earth. So listen closely and fall prey to this fantastic and absolutely mesmerizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of MEKL