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Made Of Love

Editor's Notes A beautifully crafted blend of melodies and lyrics that are sure to speak to your heart and soul.

UK-based indie duo Seafret comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and give us the pleasure to listen and explore the world of "Made of Love". With a down-to-earth yet hopeful blend of melodies and lyrics they give life to a song bound to speak to our hearts and souls from start to end. The song understands how to caress our senses and gently pull us in, giving us a place to call ours and feel like home.

There's something quite special and pure about the way in which "Made of Love" comes together, making it a perfect addition to any playlist. The soundscape has that special dose of the unknown that allows it to speak to us and make us smile and sing along from the moment we press play. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical touch of this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Seafret


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