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Love in the Afternoon

Editor's Notes Refreshingly electrifying and intoxicating indie pop-rock soundscape.

UK-based indie band Blondes comes to Wolf in a Suit for the first time and they do so with their latest release, say hello to "Love in the Afternoon". With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics, they invite us into a world so captivating, so real and so beautifully inviting. The verses come one after the other, painting a picture that is so palpable yet surreal, letting our imagination roam wild and free.

"Love in the Afternoon" is exactly what I needed to hear today, it knows how to get my senses hooked and it simply understands that a story is so valuable in music. So listen closely with me, fall prey to the subtle fire of this soundscape and become a fan of this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"This song is one of our absolute favourites, it's been in the live set since last year and feels so exciting to play. We’ve been out of action for a little while so wanted to punch back in with something lively. Our producer Antony Genn really pushed us to kick this song into the next gear up and we feel really proud of what we’ve made. We’re so excited for everyone to hear it."

Blondes about "Love in the Afternoon"

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