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Lose It

From the UK comes the amazing indie band OTHERS and their stunning debut single, say hello to the sonic realm of "Lose It". With this track, they embrace our senses and pull us in from the moment we press play, never letting go and making sure we feel it ours from start to end. It's a soundscape so rebellious, so exciting and so wonderfully inviting, letting us feel it come alive as our imagination pulls us into the unknown that awaits inside it.

"Lose It" is a refreshing dose of something modern, something brave and something quite...in your face and honestly, I love it. It's a track that just hits the spot, letting you know it's ok to sing, to dance and to simply make it yours from the moment you press play. So listen closely and fall prey to the fire of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“Lose It felt like the culmination of years of searching for our sound. The moment we wrote it, I knew it had to lead as the debut single. It captures that sensation of losing grip on reality, when every attempt at calm evaporates, and you cross the threshold of no return.”

Danny Lafrombe of OTHERS

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