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Living With Ghosts

From the US comes the amazing indie singer/songwriter W. Y. Huang with the honest and down-to-earth lyricism of “Living With Ghosts”. With this song, he opens up his heart and soul to share a tale so human, so real and so uniquely palpable from start to finish. It’s a song that embraces our senses and invites us to take a step back, press pause and just listen.

“Living With Ghosts” understands that sometimes there’s pain in the experiences we live through, a kind of pain that does not easily fade away but instead decides to stay. It’s an honest soundscape that allows us to see how fragile we all truly are, and maybe with this realization we can smile at those ghosts and move forward with them (maybe they’ll find their stop along the way). So, listen closely and fall prey to the sweet caress of this magical and bittersweet must-listen gem. Enjoy!

More of W. Y. Huang

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