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Life’s Blood

US-based indie singer/songwriter Alissa Feudo comes to Wolf in a Suit with this refreshingly honest and haunting tale of "Life's Blood". With this ethereal and inviting blend of melodies and lyrics she invites us to explore what it means to love, to live and to connect with others. It's a song that knows that everything has a beginning and an end, this does not mean that love can't last, but we must never forgot that our very existence has an expiration date that we seldom know the exactness of. You can feel sadness, anger or any negative emotion, but be ware that this won't change the nature of things.

"Life's Blood" understands this harsh reality, without making it seem beautiful, but instead accepting the bittersweet nature it comes with. I personally feel it as an invitation to hold close what we deem dear and special, making sure it's memorable for as long as we are blessed to experience it. Life will not change it's rules but at least we can learn from them and use the time it gives us in a better way. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical unknown of the must-listen gem that is "Life's Blood". Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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