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Let There Be Nothing

Australia makes itself present once more in the lands of the wolf, thanks to the marvelous Ella Thompson and the haunting tale of “Let There Be Nothing”. With this song, she comes to us and makes sure we pay attention to what her voice has to share, for these verses are special and quite raw. It’s a soundscape that has it all to grab a hold of you and make you part of the reality it holds, letting you be free and human within it.

“Let There Be Nothing” feels like an instant classic in my book, a sure-to-be fan favorite musical adventure that offers music lovers something lush and vivid from start to end. There’s no denying, this song is a must and if music is your drug, this is sure to satisfy you from the moment you press play. Listen closely and embrace the sweet beauty and raw touch of this enticing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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