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Keep Me Safe

Editor's Notes Absolutely stunning soundscape that caresses your senses and gives freedom to your soul.

Australian indie band Cub Sport comes to Wolf in a Suit with the mesmerizing and beautiful sonic creation that is "Keep Me Safe". With this stunning blend of pop and electronica, they give our senses a world to explore and a place for our imagination to be free. The vocals are uniquely hypnotizing and feel like silk as they glide through airwaves, painting a picture with the well-crafted verses. Something about this soundscape just knows how naturally embrace us and make us feel a connection with this union of melodies and lyrics.

"Keep Me Safe" is not only a catchy and fun song but a beautiful dose of musical ambrosia that fills us with warmth and a touch of freedom. So listen closely and fall prey with the magic and je ne sais quoi that makes this track an absolute must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"I wrote Keep Me Safe about a euphoric but complicated time. Shedding some light on it now feels like I’m validating my younger self and celebrating the magic in something I was so ashamed of at the time.”

Tim Nelson of Cub Sport

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