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In The Underworld

US-based indie band WOLVES comes to us with the perfect track for the Halloween season, say hello to "In The Underworld". With this refreshingly intoxicating and hypnotizing blend of melodies and lyrics, we are given a chance to explore a world unknown and so exciting. It's a soundscape that does not know how to let go, for it keeps you hooked from start to end. It embraces you whole and gives your imagination a much needed dose of escapism that matches the season.

There's something about "In The Underworld" that just hits the spot and invites you to sing, dance and join this expedition to a land unknown. It's a riveting and playful soundscape that manages to add itself into any and all playlists with such natural charm. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet fire of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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