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In Plain Sight

Editor's Notes A wonderfully crafted blend of melodies and lyrics bound to speak to your heart and soul.

From the UK comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Matilda Mann with the refreshingly romantic tale of "In Plain Sight". With this wonderful blend of melodies and lyrics, she paints a picture so inspiring, so sweet and so truly captivating from start to end. She opens up her heart and soul to remind us of the sweet magic that is part of love and how it can put a smile on your face that can last the whole day.

There's something about "In Plain Sight" that just knows how to get you hooked as you explore this soundscape from the moment you press play. Her voice is subtly charming and filled with joy that it makes us feel so lucky to be able to part of this wonderful tale. So listen closely and let your senses be amazed by the sweet magical caress of this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Matilda Mann