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I Don’t Miss You

Editor's Notes A perfectly crafted soundscape sure to connect with more than a few listeners.

Canadian indie singer/songwriter JP Saxe comes to Wolf in a Suit with the mesmerizing sonic creation that is "I Don't Miss You". With this fantastic blend of melodies and lyrics he paints a picture so human, so real and so relatable from start to end. The track flows naturally, becoming one with the airwaves as it paints a picture that while his, ends up feeling ours as well.

The soundscape explores the subtle art of lying, not to others but to ourselves and how in the end we end up finding out the truth. We use words that invite us to look away and think of something else yet in the end we end up falling through the same rabbit hole over and over again. "I Don't Miss You" is a wonderfully relatable, moody and strangely cathartic musical experience that invites us to try our best at accepting ourselves. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical touch of this intoxicating must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“‘I Don’t Miss You’ is me trying to lie to myself about my feelings — how I distract myself from them, how I compartmentalize them, and how I ultimately lose to them. It was produced by Malay and features the brilliant guitar playing of my friend John Mayer. My guiding principle in my songwriting is ‘am I’m telling the truth’, so a song that’s lying to itself may seem a tad antithetical, but the truth is, trying to hide from how I feel about people is a common and futile adventure inside my head, and I’m excited for this song to bring people into that with me.”

JP Saxe

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