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Hey Mel

UK-based indie singer/songwriter Rye Milligan comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and this time he gives life to the sonic realm of "Hey Mel". With this fantastic and refreshingly captivating and endearing showcase of feelings and emotions he tells a very special someone how important they truly are. It's a wonderful reminder to let those people in our lives that matter so much know how much magic and happiness they bring to the table.

"Hey Mel" is a wonderfully warm and down-to-earth mix of melodies and lyrics that understands how sometimes people can fail to see how important they are. It's a beautiful soundscape that invites us to explore it and share with all those people that can perfectly fit the bill for being our Mel. So listen closely and dive into the sweet magical tale of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“There’s someone very close to me who often doesn’t feel like they are enough. This song is basically me saying of course you are and this is why”. 

Rye Milligan about "Hey Mel"

More of Rye Milligan

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