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Editor's Notes Bittersweet, raw and honest conversation about love and whether things can move forward or not.

From Australia and Austria comes the fantastic and haunting collaboration between Hazlett and OSKA, say hello to "Hesitate". With this exquisite and raw showcase of feelings and emotions, they embrace the bittersweet feeling that comes alive when you realize that things are ending. The track understands that sometimes things just change and the heart wonders if we are at the right place with the right person. The lyrics don't aim to blame anyone but instead feels like an invitation to talk and discuss where things are heading.

"Hesitate" is mature, relatable and beautifully nostalgic and sad yet so human and fragile like all of us. There's something about this soundscape that is sure to hit a nerve for more than a few listeners, but it's needed to accept what step to take and move forward. So listen closely and fall prey to this captivating and intoxicating must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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